The 23rd US Yee Fung Toy Association Convention


懇親歡樂聚蘋城    風采名揚留全美


第廿三屆全美余風釆堂懇親大會於二零零九年八月八日至八月十一日在紐約召開。舍路(西雅圖)余風釆堂也派遣了代表參加是次大會。所派代表為余海量顧問、余 汝深副主席及余耀東財政主任。另外有美西總顧問余樹湛博士亦以資深領導代表身份參加。

在紐約余風采分堂之余鋼深主席及余宏基主席之領導下,與一群熱心勤奮之義工,共同成功與有效地舉辦該次四天之盛會。會議項目非常豐盛。與會之六十位工作代 表每天用上十二小時討論很多面對着余風采堂之重要議題。参加是大會之人士共約有百多名,與會之非工作代表則可選揀參加紐約市一日遊與大西洋城一天之旅。加 拿大余風采堂也有兩名代表參加會議。

八月九日在紐約余風采堂舉行傳统祭祖儀式後,於下午一時在紐約中華會館禮堂舉行大會之開幕禮。晚上在金豐大酒樓公宴,有超過九百位人士,包括了各代表及代 表各僑社及地方組織之嘉賓參與。

舍路之代表成員活躍地參與了大會之進程。余海量作為舍路代表及世余網站委員會委員副主席,與來自婓匿余文澤共同在大會報告網站委員會之成就。再加上余汝深 亦在八月十一日擔任一討論項目主席。余耀東及余海量亦被選入為大會財務及審核委員會委員。

舍路余風釆分堂於大會上提議主辦二零一二年第二十四屆全美余風釆堂懇親大會。此提議由余海量代表於最後一天會期上提出。提議獲得與會代表之絕大多數贊成通 過。是以舍路分堂對此予有榮焉。並對於大會代表及領導團所給與之信任致無任謝意,並決心以最佳行動辦好二零一二年第二十四屆全美余風釆堂懇親大會。

舍路余風采堂 余海量供稿



全美余風采堂懇親大會每膈三年舉行一次,在美國東岸和美國西岸輪流選擇城市主辦。本屆的主辦單位是紐約余風采堂。紐約余風采堂是全美十三個余風采分堂中最 大的分堂,無論是人力、物力、財力都非常雄厚,故懇親大會辦得有聲有色。

祭祖大典在八月八日中午十二時在紐約余風采堂禮堂舉行。十頭金猪排列在祭桌上,全美余風采堂的元老、總顧問、各埠的主席並排在祭桌前,向余氏先賢余忠襄公 遺像行三鞠躬禮。余志偉武術館舞獅採青祝賀,整條街道由警方封閉不準車輛來往,觀看者人山人海,場面熱鬧壯觀。


公宴在金豐大酒樓舉行,筵開百桌。紐約州、市政府及兩岸駐紐約辦事處均派代表出席盛會並致贈奨狀及禮物。大會安排了豐富的娛樂節目,千餘嘉賓輕鬆愉快地享 受晚宴。

觀禮的嘉賓除參加開幕典禮和閉幕典禮及各種宴會外,主辦單位還安排了多項的旅遊活動。紐約市一天遊讓各人大開眼界,領略到號稱大蘋菓的紐約市的各處名勝古 蹟,及其車水馬龍的繁華氣象。大西洋城賭場一天遊更讓一些人發了橫財。



全體元老、總顧問、總堂和各地分堂選派的代表及加拿大和各埠的列席代表共六十三人則沒有那麽輕鬆,由早上八時到晚上八時除午餐時間外必須全程參加會議。而 祕書組、提案審查組、修章組、財政稽核組的成員甚至要挑燈夜戰,一直工作到午夜十二時或一時。兩天正式會議的工作非常繁重。會議審核總堂提交的財政報告, 議决各地堂所提交的提案,通過修改後的總章,重申懇親大會是全美余風采堂最高的權力機構,並確立高層會議在懇親大會閉幕後的權力,令今後全美余風采堂的運 作有所依循。會議並選舉余景新為美東總長,余超群為美東副總長,余健全為美西總長,余以信為美西副總長。



紐英崙余風采堂 余厚利報告


全美余風采堂第廿三屆懇親大會於八月九日在紐約中華公所的中山禮堂隆重開幕。來自全美各地十四個代表團的余氏宗親代表歡聚一堂。大家共為余氏今後的發展出 謀獻策。第廿三屆懇親大會揭示出深刻的主題「懇親歡樂聚蘋城  風采名揚留全美」。大會一連四天舉行,十一日閉幕。

參加這次懇親大會的代表來自全美各地十四個代表團:包括總會(舊金山)、二埠(沙加緬度)、斐匿(鳳凰城)、南加省(洛杉磯)、市作頓、所叻(鹽湖城)、 舍路(西雅圖)、紐英崙(波士頓)、積彩(底特律)、芝加哥、曉市頓(休士頓)、企李崙、加欖巴士、及紐約,逾三百多人出席盛會。


八月八日(星期六)是「報到迎賓日」。 晚上六時至七時半,在美國紐約皇后區境內 39th Ave (在 緬街和王子街之間)的法拉盛「喜來登」酒店設有豐富自助餐,提供懇親大會代表及賓客享用。八時左右,代表們參與全美余風采堂第廿三屆懇親大會的「預備會 議」。

八月九日在喜來登酒店用完早餐後,余文勁元老、余習文元老提議開代表會議。會議後,世界余氏網站事務委員會報告世余網站的進度情況,由世界余氏網站事務委 員會副主席余海量 (舍路) 及余文澤 (斐匿) 主持。

中午十二時,全體代表均在余風采堂禮堂進行祭祖儀式。參加祭祖的有各位元老,各正副主席,總顧問,各堂所主席,顧問等。祭祖過程莊嚴肅穆,氣氛熱烈。一時 至四時,在中華公所的中山禮堂內,紐約余風采堂還為各位代表安排豐盛的自助餐及影相留念。

下午四時,在舞龍舞獅、鳴炮等喜慶氣氛中,揭開了隆重開幕典禮的序幕。嘉賓包括主流政要、僑團首長、社會賢達逾千人到賀。開幕典禮由美東總長余顯良,美西 總長余臻發致詞,大會籌備委員會主任、紐約分堂主席余鋼深致歡迎詞,衷心感謝嘉賓及宗親前來參加,他並指出紐約余風采堂是第五次主辦這規模大的懇親會,能 為余氏族人歡聚一堂而尤感光榮與開心。

紐約余風采堂主席余鋼深在致歡迎詞時表示,早年余氏宗親來美,生活艱苦,乃組織宗親會,目的是團結一起,尋求發展。在大家努力之下,總堂之外又成立十三個 分堂,各擁自置樓業,各分堂均有很不錯的發展。余鋼深主席又說,今日余氏精英歡聚紐約華埠,我們要討論會章,與時共進,為宗親們提供更大的服務。

中華公所主席于金山致詞時,祝願全美余風采堂第廿三屆懇親大會圓滿成功。據余風采堂總堂主席余允仁介紹,這次懇親會承蒙各地宗親支持,嘉賓及宗親致贈的花 藍賀儀,使慶會更生輝,還有紐約市長彭博的代表于之淇頒發的賀狀,加州參議院副執行主席余胤良博士的代表余健全頒發的賀狀,及中國國務院僑務辦公室,中國 駐紐約總領事館、各僑團發來的賀電、賀詞,中國駐紐約總領事館僑務組長羅剛,僑務領事陳劭毅,台北駐紐約經文處處長廖港民、僑務組長魏煥忠,華僑文教中心 主任呂元榮等出席了懇親會開幕禮。更有世界馬氏宗親總會元老馬偉能、三藩市馬氏宗親總會主席馬頌明專程從三藩市到紐約市親臨大會祝賀。謝氏世表也派代表前 來道賀,親情難得。


同日晚六時假座華埠依利沙白街金豐大酒樓公宴,筵開一百餘席。各埠代表及寶眷,馬氏世表,謝氏世表,余氏宗親,多個僑團領導出席,現場氣氛熱烈。宴會上還 有歌舞團、源自川劇的「變臉」表演及卡拉 OK等助陣,使會 場生色不少。



八月十日早餐後,觀禮嘉賓及寶眷們參加紐約市一日遊。懇親代表們就進行大會會議,到會代表對各地宗親提出的應興應草(提案)逐條認真討論,暢所欲言,各抒 己見,共獻良策,特別對有關堂所的重要議程,逐條作出了決議。

是次代表大會的代表中既有資深的老年代表,也有經驗豐富的中年代表,更有年青有為的青年代表,既有從中國移民來的鄉親,也有為數不少的土生士長宗親及女性 代表,彰顯出余風采堂後繼有人,族務一定能邁向更高的台階。


八月十一日早餐後,觀禮嘉賓及寶眷們參加大西洋城賭場一日遊。懇親代表們在會議上對風采堂的總章各項條文繼續認真討論,併進行了局部修改。各代表也表示, 懇親會閉幕後要切實執行,務使會務更上一層樓,更好地為宗親謀福利。會議討論完畢後並選出新一屆總長領導班子。大會並決議二零一二年第廿四屆全美余風采堂 懇親大會在華盛頓州西雅圖市(舍路)舉行。

八月十一日晚懇親大會在「東溢豐酒樓」舉行閉幕典禮,新一屆總長領導班子由資深元老余文勁主持監誓,新任美西總長余健全、美東總長余景新、美西副總長余以 信、美東副總長余超群宣誓就職,任期三年。新鮮出爐的元老余臻發、余顯良也榮登上元老寶座。全美余風采堂第廿三屆懇親大會圓滿結束。大家相約三年後在華盛 頓州(舍路)重逢。





我和温哥華余風采堂主席余美湛在這裡要再次跟紐約余風采堂副主席余宏基說聲多謝,因我們提早一日抵達紐約市,他主動要親自開車來紐約「甘迺迪國際機場」接 我們清晨六時半抵達的班機,體現了紐約余氏宗親的無盡溫暖,對我們加拿大余氏宗親的熱情關照。他首先帶我們去曼哈頓的唐人街逛一逛及食早餐,然後就載著我 們前往我們住宿的酒店。我們也非常感謝紐約余氏宗親的親切招待,讓我們留下一個美好回憶!謝謝!



温哥華余風采堂 余栢寧報告





Seattle Chapter Delegates at the Convention

The 23rd National United States YFT Association Convention was held in New York from August 8-August 11, 2009. The Seattle YFT Chapter sent three delegates to attend this convention. The delegates were Fred Yee (Chapter Advisor), De Shum Yee (Chapter Vice-President) and Yao Dong Yu (Chapter Treasurer). In addition, Dr. James Yee (Chapter Advisor and US West Grand Advisor) attending as a delegate of senior leadership.

The 4-day event was efficiently and successfully organized by the New York YFT Chapter under the leadership of Frank Yee and Gong Yee, along with a large group of hard working and enthusiastic volunteers. The meeting schedules were very full and the 60 delegates spent over 12-hours days to discuss many important issues facing the U.S. YFT Association. A total 0f 200 individuals attended the convention. For those who were not delegates, they had the option of joining a day-long New York city tour and the day trip to Atlantic City.

The opening ceremony was held at the Chinese Community Benevolent Association meeting hall on August 9 at 1:00 pm after the traditional ancestral ceremony held at the New York YFT office. The opening banquet was attended by over 900 representatives and guests representing numerous community organizations.

The Seattle delegates were active in participating in the proceedings of the convention. Fred Yee, representing the Seattle YFT and the World Yee Web committee, made a presentation together with David Yee, delegate from Phoenix YFT Chapter reporting on the accomplishments of the web committee. Additional, De Shum Yee chaired one of the discussion session on August 11. Yao Dong Yu and Fred Yee were also chosen to serve on the Convention Finance and Audit Committee.

The Seattle YFT Chapter presented a proposal to the convention to hold the 2012 U.S. National YFT Convention (24th) in Seattle. Fred Yee presented the proposal on the last day of the conference. The proposal was overwhelmingly approved by the delegates.

The Seattle YFT Chapter is honored and thankful for the trust and confidence from the convention leadership and delegates and we will do our best to make the 24th Convention a successful one in 2012.

Fred Yee, Seattle

YEE Association 23rd National Convention Completed

The U.S. Yee Fung Toy Family Association conducted their 23rd National Convention from August 8-12, 2009. This four day event was hosted by the New York Chapter at the Sheraton Hotel in Flushing, NY. From across the U.S. and Canada, some 300 people attended this family affair.

The U.S. National Convention is held every three years alternating between a western and eastern city to host the event. The responsibilities for this year went to the east and New York got the honors and they were a great host. Being a highly populated city, they have plenty of members who are talented, capable and all worked extremely hard to make this a very joyous and successful convention.

It started with a very efficient all day check-in and registration process with their members greeting the out-of-towners at the airports and getting them transported to the hotel. A buffet dinner at 6pm followed with the delegates' preparatory meeting at 8pm to conclude the day.

Sunday, 9 August, following breakfast and a short informal meeting, everyone was shuttle bus to the New York Chapter Hall in Manhattan for the Ancestral service at 12 noon. With all the Grand Elders, Grand Advisors, delegates representing chapters in the US, Canada and invited guests crowded into the hall for the service. The service started and concluded with a lion and dragon dance performance by the martial arts school. Presented with ten roasted pigs and other items, everyone paid their respects to our great ancestor with the traditional Chinese 3 bow salute. The lion and dragon dance performance attracted a huge crowd which blocked the street from vehicular traffic.


Everyone then proceeded to the CCBA auditorium for a luncheon and the 23rd National Convention Opening Ceremony. These Chinese Language School Band played the US National Anthem and other selections prior to the start of the proceedings.

The Convention Opening Banquet was held at the Jing Fong Restaurant. Some 900 people enjoyed good entertainment from a performing musical group, NY chapter members, and Kareoke from guests, the evening was truly festive.

At 8am Monday 10 August, the convention meetings with the delegate officially commence. For 2 whole days they would meet in the Sheraton Hotel conference to review various issues. Every delegate was dedicated to their tasks. The committees as secretarial, auditing, proposal review, by-law amendment review all worked diligently into the wee hours.

While delegate attend meetings, NY chapter members served as tour guides as the chartered 2 buses to take family and guest on tour. Day 1 was a Big Apple city tour where they were able to visit and see some of New York's famous site. Though the weather was hot and crowded with people and vehicles, everyone still had a great day. Day 2 was a trip to Atlantic City where the guest can try their luck and make their fortune. They also had a delicious seafood buffet luncheon at the casino.

With all the proposals reviewed and voted upon, by-laws amended, branch chapter reports submitted, etc, the days of meeting is completed with the election of National Grand Presidents and Vice-presidents. The election results were for Eastern US are Grand President-Kenneth Yee (NY); Vice-President Peter Yee (Boston); and for Western US are Grand President-Larry Yee (SF); Vice-President Alan Yee (LA).


The 23rd Convention Closing Banquet was at Dong Yi Feng (Tung Yi Fung) Restaurant in Flushing where the new Grand Officers officially takes office to conclude this very successful event. In 3 years, we'll all meet for the 24th National Convention in Seattle.

Winston Yee, Boston

23rd National Yee Fung Toy Family Association Convention

The 23rd National Yee Fung Toy Family Association Convention was held at the Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel in Flushing, New York on August 8 thru August 11, 2009. Although the task of hosting this conference was overwhelming, making a difference was more important. During the 4 day event, 61 delegates from across the United States scheduled meetings to discuss important family issues and the future of our family associations nationwide. For our chapter, the delegates were President Gong Sum (余鋼深), Vice President Frank (余宏基), Advisor Andy Yu (余應昌), Advisor Kenneth (余景新), Chinese Secretary Dian Rong Yu (余典榮) and Women's League President Kennie (余錦娉). Also attending as Upper Level delegates were Grand Elders Wai Hing (余維慶 元老), Peter (余耿石 元老) and Grand Advisor John B.J. Yee (余保忠 總顧問). Over 150 attendees from San Francisco Headquarters, U.S. local chapters and Vancouver, B.C. came to New York to reunite as a family and to carry out various noble family traditions. Most of the Yee "cousins" can trace the family tree back to the same Chinese Province of Canton and a common great ancestor Yee Chung-Sheng, who was knighted by the emperor of the North Sung Dynasty in the 11th century.


We want to thank all those who contributed to making this event successful. The last time our New York chapter hosted this event was 18 years ago. We greatly appreciate the help from all the volunteers, our Women's League group, the Sheraton Hotel as well as outgoing Eastern Grand President Henry, Grand Elder John M. and HQ President Gene for their invaluable inputs. We also appreciate all the monetary gifts, donations and members' contributions to help defray the enormous cost involved in hosting this event in New York City. Finally, if we overlooked anything or made errors in judgments, please accept our deepest apologies.